Tuesday, June 15, 2010

(Son) Road Kill *Part V*

Travel through Wyoming took us through a number of thunder storms. Discover that cab of larger truck leaks in heavy downpour. Begin purchasing energy drinks for after-lunch stimulation. Check into large Holiday Inn at Rock Springs, Wy. Winger's restaurant has great salads and Fat Tire beer. Buddy's knee is too sore for workout room. Complimentary breakfast buffet at Winger's.


Wondered if the US government could actually make Wyoming our countries primary garbage dump. Would anybody even know? Also wondered if Wyoming became a state simply because the surrounding states put up a border immediately upon realizing it was not worth extending any further. Thought perhaps the government decided to name national park Yellowstone since the state looked yellow and was surrounded by rocky stones and that if it had a hint of the name Wyoming in the title no one would come.

Wyoming drove me to drink that evening at Wingers. 40 oz. beers available at a good price. Upon finishing was actually asked by the waitress if I wanted “another one”. I think my exact words were, “are you kidding me?”.

Buddy: Saturday's travel took us the rest of the way through Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and stopped for the night at Ontario, OR. Ate at a Winger's restaurant for the second evening in a row.


Close to home now and began to survey my truck. Empty energy drink cans and water bottles strewn across the floor, Visine and loose change in ash tray, empty snack wrappers (popcorn and candy) on the seat next to me, a pile of receipts for hotel and gas in a plastic bag, black market yellow looking medication sold to me at truck stop in Nebraska scattered across back pack with old dental floss and wet sweat towels hanging from dash. All right, maybe not that last part. Upon looking at myself in the side mirror, I determined this was not the face of someone people would go to see for mental health issues.

Buddy: Normal 7 a.m. departure from motel on Sunday morning. Gas at Baker City($4.21 per gal), stop at La Grande to top off tanks ($4.15 per gal). Except for Flying J at Ogden, Utah, Oregon has the highest gas prices we have seen. Purchase ice, water, and 24 oz. energy drinks from La Grande WalMart. Lunch(breakfast) at Arlington, final fuel stop at Troutdale ($3.79 per gal.). Grateful to arrive safely in Keizer on Sunday afternoon.


A bit of a culture shock getting back to the family since I didn’t think I would see them again. Unloaded truck with help of father-in-law and brother-in-law Daisy had to tie my arms to bedpost that night as I had physical withdrawal symptoms from my “late night cocktail” on the road which included 5 shots of tequila, 3 Tylenol PM’s, 3 cigarettes, and a 26 oz. can of Full Throttle energy drink.

I can’t thank my friends enough for talking to me on the trip. But the most thanks needs to go to the always honorable Buddy who was the best travel companion, and father, a guy could ask for. And thanks to Buddy Spouse for letting me borrow him for a week.

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